The Cheese To Please
For the past seven years, I've been DJing around Cambridge
at bops, balls and parties, playing a wide range of pop, cheese
and dance. So if you're looking for someone to play at your
event then why not get
in touch? This page has details of where I've been, what
you can expect to hear and how to arrange a booking.
- Demo CD available - thirty minutes taken from a set I
played earlier this year - just e-mail
to request a copy.
- or you can download
a five-minute sample from the same demo (this is a 4MB
MP3 file - if you have problems downloading or require a
smaller file, just let me know).
The more social among you will have spotted me playing recently
- May Balls - 2004: Newnham, Pembroke 2003:
Robinson, Trinity Hall, Corpus, Pembroke, Darwin, 2002:
Trinity, Clare, Selwyn, Pembroke, Christ's, 2001: Clare,
Pembroke, Jesus
- College Bops - Queens', Caius, Clare, Christ's, Selwyn,
Pembroke, Jesus, Trinity, Newnham
- Societies - CUR, CCBC, JCBC, CUBC, CU Lacrosse, Tadpoles,
VetSoc, OTC
- Events & Clubs - Cambridge Corn Exchange, APU Freshers'
Week (Cambridge & Chelmsford), guest spots with Fat Poppadaddy's
at The Fez & Po Na Na's, CU Freshers' Fair, RAG charity bops,
private parties and more
Bizarrely, I've seen some people at nearly every event. They must
be tired. Seemed to be enjoying themselves, though...
I play from a very wide range of tunes and styles, varying the
mix to suit your requirements. There are two main sets I do:
- The classic 'Cheese To Please' - a very wide range of
great pop and dance : everything from current chart, late 90s
pop, early 90s dance & indie, 80s favourites, a bit of 70s
disco, right back to 60s motown - anything's possible!
- Soul & Funk - a quality blend of classic soul, funk,
boogaloo beats, maybe with a bit of hip-hop thrown in, but all
firmly set on making the dancefloor move!
Or a combination of the two! Just let me know what you'd like.
Usually I just provide myself and the music. But I've got my own
decks and mixer available, too. That just leaves the PA gear (speakers
and amplifiers). If you've got those, great, otherwise I'll help
you arrange to hire them.
So what are you waiting for? Get in touch now by e-mailing me on
Rates are completely negotiable to suit your event budget. And if
you're still unsure, I can send you a demo CD so you can hear it
for yourself. But get in touch now, otherwise you could be missing
out on having Cambridge's favourite cheese DJ playing for you!